Happy Forward to a Friend Day from Beth at Life on Avenue Z

I am back on line and I went to one of my favorite blogs which is Life on Avenue Z. Beth, author of Life on Avenue Z had a post where she called for friends and family to Forward some of her post to their friends. I thought was a really cute idea; so while I am getting my list together; I am posting her cute letter and her posts to go with it. Click on the links to her blog and read her post. I promise they will bring a smile to your face.
Dear friends and family,
I’m severely addicted to the statistics from my blog, and I’ve been very happy to see the numbers of visitors increase every month. But — OH NO — this month I may actually decrease! This freaks me out, so I’m asking for help.Thus, Happy “Forward to a Friend” Day! In the interest of spreading the joy about my cupcake cravings, bad hair and new found testicular fortitude, I offer you this cut-and-paste opportunity to share Life on Avenue Z with people you care about. Or people you really want to annoy. Or something.And if you haven’t been by in a while, I invite you back. )Thanks (and I hope you find humor in this silly little time-waster).Beth****Dear [daughter in her 8th year of college],I know you wanted to become a writer. That’s a really stupid idea. Here’s proof:http://www.lifeonavenuez.com/index.php/2008/03/21/crazy_writer_lady/****Dear [college friend after his divorce],I know you’ve always wanted to follow your dream and become a writer. Maybe now’s the time…http://www.lifeonavenuez.com/index.php/2007/10/30/on-doing-what-you-love-for-a-living/****Dear [friend from grade school],Remember that bad haircut you got when you were 12? This one has got to be worse…http://www.lifeonavenuez.com/index.php/2007/11/20/another-lesson-learned-disguised-as-a-post-about-my-hair/****Dear [computer geek friend],Here’s a list of gadgets that might make your life complete…http://www.lifeonavenuez.com/index.php/2008/02/14/ten-tech-tools-love/****Dear [woman looking to quit her job],See? All women have a tough time taking a stand…http://www.lifeonavenuez.com/index.php/2007/11/09/funny-how-a-synonym-to-getting-tough-is-growing-badouble-ls/****Dear [chronic worrywart],Wow, I think this chick has you beat in the Chronic Obsessing Department….http://www.lifeonavenuez.com/index.php/2008/01/09/my-parents-basement/****Dear [friend who was recently laid off],Was this how yours went? Bummer, dude…http://www.lifeonavenuez.com/index.php/2008/03/19/anatomy-layoff/
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